ESG Assurance and Compliance, GHG Verification and Validation, Research and Analysis

About Us

In light of the challenges that affect the planet and society, reinforced the importance of collective action. Driven by the purpose to take part in creating a sustainable world, we support organizations with reliable insight to advance responsible business practices that create economic, environmental, and social benefits for everyone.

As an independent expert in the sustainability area, we would like to see through the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) best practices, for every one of our clients, this includes facilitating the practices, knowledge, and tools so they can transition towards a more sustainable way of doing business.

We expect our sustainability advisory to enable organizations to take action and make better decisions to achieve opportunities and advance responsible business practices, so they can increase their values and positively impact the environment and people.

Why Us

Our Services


Accordance Assessment:
  • Accordance assessment demonstrates an overview of the extent to which the standards, frameworks, and other criteria have been implemented in the organization’s Sustainability Report.
  • The assessment is carried out in line with the disclosure requirement of the guidance that the organization adheres to when developing the report.
ESG Disclosures Assurance
  • Showcase accountable disclosures of ESG information, application of reporting principles, and compliance or consistency with reporting standards, frameworks, and other ESG criteria.
  • Evaluation of ESG disclosure could provide a reliable report and gain the trust of your stakeholders.
  • Assurance standards that we adhere to conduct an assurance engagement or evaluate the ESG disclosures: ISAE 3000 and AA1000 Assurance standards.
  • How do we do?
    Assessing the fulfillment of ESG disclosures/reports related to:

    • Disclosure requirement of the reporting standards, framework, or guidance that you adhere to when developing the report
    • Reporting principles
    • Data validity
ESG Appraisal
  • Provide an objective valuation of the organization’s ESG management and an overview of the organization’s ESG maturity level. Through an audit, as the appraisal approach, will allow
  • Appraisal Approach: Audit. This approach will allow organizations to quickly and easily evaluate the ESG practices and the effectiveness of organizations managing the identified ESG issues.
  • Benefit for organizations that wish to delve deeper into understanding their ESG maturity level and identify areas where there is an opportunity for improvement.
  • Deliverable: A statement letter, recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity that speaks the language to your stakeholders.
Social Responsibility Assessment:
  • Measures your organization’s performance on 7 core subjects on social responsibility referring to the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility.
  • Assessment report will be followed by recommendations and advisory from our expert, to improve the maturity level of your performance in adopting the social responsibility principles and clearly demonstrate your initiative towards responsible business practice.
  • Deliverable: A statement letter, recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity that speaks the language to your stakeholders.



ISO 14064 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification and Validation)

Decar provides independent verification and validation of GHG emissions for organizations, projects, and GHG programs across any industry in accordance with a variety of accepted standards, including ISO 14064.

Our services:

  • GHG Emission Verification: Verify your organization’s GHG emissions to ensure that the emission data you report are in line with 14064-1 and ISO 14064-3 standard.
  • Validation of GHG Projects and Programs: Validate your GHG projects and programs to ensure that design and implementations are in line with ISO 14064-2 standards.

Standards for Verification and Validation:

  • ISO 14064-3:2019 Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements

Process Flow:

decar proses vv

Procedures References:

  • ISO 17029:2019 Conformity assessment — General principles and requirements for validation and verification bodies
  • ISO 14065:2020 General principles and requirements for bodies validating and verifying environmental information
  • ISO 14066:2023 Greenhouse gases – Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams
  • ISO 14064-1:2018 Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
  • ISO 14064-2 Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements
  • ISO 14064-3:2019 Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements
  • KAN K10 Special Requirements for Accreditation of Validation and Verification Institutions
  • KAN K10.1 Additional Requirements for Environmental Information Sector LVV Accreditation
  • IAF MD 6:2023 Mandatory Document for the Application of ISO 14065:2020

Pricing and Consultation Information:

  • For personalized pricing information and tailored solutions, please contact us via WhatsApp

Our Impartiality Policy

  • Download our impartiality policy:

Complaint Resolution Process

decar pengaduan keluhan

Appeal Resolution Process

decar pengajuan banding

Procedure & Form

  • Download Prosedur Penanganan Banding dan Keluhan
  • Download Formulir Keluhan dan Banding


ESG Disclosures Valuation:
  • ESG disclosures are communication media that provides transparency on how an organization manages and addresses its significant impacts on the economy, environment, and people.
  • We provide information in accordance with stakeholder expectations and reliable presentation capable of providing the right perception of the organization’s value to stakeholders.
  • Gain more benefits than just reporting. Especially for organizations that expect to get a better score from ESG raters/rankers.
  • What do we do?
    • Our experts will analyze your ESG disclosure/report referring to the suitable leading reporting standards/frameworks/rankers and carry through research on reports presented by peer
    • A complete picture of how your position compares to standards and peers, as well as recommendations for what you can do more for a better report in the future.
SDGs Correlation Matrix
  • Showcase your support or contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, with the appropriate and proper statement. Recently, companies and institutional investors are being asked to contribute to the SDGs through their business activities, asset allocation, and investment decision. Consequently, investors are contriving to increase their portfolio’s impact on the world. Businesses are encouraged to report clearly about their contributions to the SDGs in an investor-relevant manner for maximum impact.
  • What do we do? We act as an independent party to conduct due diligence on the organization’s strategies, products, services, initiatives, and performance to provide clear information on how the business relates to SDGs.
  • Deliverable: A report completes with recommendations that provide opportunities for organizations to escalate the impacts.
Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
  • Provide a snapshot of social changes.
  • Process of research, planning, and the management of social change or consequences (positive and negative, intended and unintended) arising from policies, plans, developments, and projects.
  • Not only look at social issues but also at the environmental impacts and their interactions.
  • What we provide:
    • Our experts will conduct research and analysis to provide you with clear information on how your project/business impacted people.
    • Give you recommendation of complete report to give you opportunities to mitigate negative impacts and escalate positive impacts.
  • Our experts will conduct research and analysis to provide you with clear information on how your project/business impacted people.
  • Give you recommendation of complete report to give you opportunities to mitigate negative impacts and escalate positive impacts.
Social Return of Investment Assessment (SROI)
  • SROI Assessment provides a robust framework for evaluating the social value generated by your programs, projects, and initiatives.
  • What we do: We engage various stakeholders to understand their viewpoints, mapping the cause-and-effect relationship between your activities and social outcomes, gathering both quantitative and qualitative data to measure the impact, assigning monetary values to non-financial results using established methods, and finally calculating the SROI ratio to express the social return generated per unit of investment.

Our Clients

Logo Decar Baru Samping Putih
  • Mensana Tower Lantai 6 Unit H,
    Jl. Raya Kranggan Pondok Gede No 69,
    Jatisampurna - Cibubur,
    Kota Bekasi 17435
  • (+62) 82311990268

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